“The PTPTN Education Loan Scheme was created for the purpose of providing educational loans to students studying at local Higher Education Institutions (IPT). This education loan will allow students to finance in full or part of the tuition fees as well as the cost of living throughout the study period. At the same time, it opens up more opportunities for all students to pursue higher education. PTPTN education loan facility is open to students who continue their studies at Public Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) and local Private Higher Education Institutions (IPTS) only.” (Source: PTPTN WEBSITE)
“The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is one of the world’s oldest provident funds. Established in 1951, we help the Malaysian workforce to save for their retirement in accordance to the Employees Provident Fund Act 1991. ” (Source: EPF WEBSITE)
Parents and students can opt to make withdrawal from EPF saving (Account 2) for fees payment. Any approval, subject to terms and conditions set by EPF.
“Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), or the Council of Trust for the People, an agency under the purview of the Ministry of Rural Development, was established on 1 March 1966 as a statutory body by an Act of Parliament as a result of the first Bumiputera Economic Congress resolution in 1965.” (Source: MARA website)
Students can apply for study loan from MARA subject to terms and conditions set by MARA.
“In terms of Baitulmal is a form of financial institution and property management in Islam that administers various sources of revenue such as zakat funds, waqf property, taxes (kharaj and jizyah) and other resources collected and used for the benefit of society and the country.” (Source: MAIS website)
Baitulmal provide assistance for study fees, allowances and others subject to terms and condition set by Baitulmal
“The Malaysia Islamic Economic Development Foundation (Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia) (YPEIM) was established by the Federal Government on 13 Oktober 1976 and was incorporated under the Trustee (Incorporation) Act 1952.
Following reorganization to drive its potential and diversify its functions, YPEIM was relaunched on 20 July 1984 by the Malaysian prime minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Under its Core Socioeconomics and Benevolence Development, YPEIM introduced Dana Inspirasi Malaysia YaPEIM Inspirasiku. This latest initiative would benefit 40,000 schoolchildren and tertiary students nationwide in assisting their preparations for school and varsity terms. Aptly named, the fund helps to inspire children to further their studies at all levels by assisting low-income and B40 families. This initiative, among others, complements efforts done by related government agencies, institutions, communities and families to ensure future generations better education opportunities.“ (Source: Laman web YAPIEM)
As you register to further your studies at IPTA or IPTS, you may seek and apply for financial assistance from the federal government and state governments via education foundations and funds.